

Galeria Sztuki im. Jana Tarasina
pl. Św. Józefa 5
62-800 Kalisz
tel/fax 62 767 40 81


“Breaking The Frame” (2012, 100 minutes) – a feature-length documentary portrait of the New York artist Carolee Schneemann by Canadian filmmaker Marielle Nitoslawska

“Breaking The Frame” (2012, 100 minutes) – a feature-length documentary portrait of the New York artist Carolee Schneemann by Canadian filmmaker Marielle Nitoslawska. A pioneer of performance and body art as well as avant-garde cinema, Schneemann has been breaking the frames of the art world for five decades, in a variety of mediums, challenging assumptions of feminism, gender, sexuality, and identity.

Utilizing a rich variety of film and hi-definition formats, Breaking The Frame can be described as a kinetic, hyper-cinematic intervention, a critical meditation on the relation of art to the physical, domestic and conceptual aspects of daily life and on the attributes of memory. It uses Schneemann’s autobiographical materials to narrate the historic upheaval within Western art in post-war America.

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Culture Institution of Kalisz