

Galeria Sztuki im. Jana Tarasina
pl. Św. Józefa 5
62-800 Kalisz
tel/fax 62 767 40 81


Jan Pieniążek & Dariusz Makaruk – Kalisz Traingle / Transfer

An action – installation entitled “Kalisz Triangle / Transfer” is an attempt to interpret the relationship between points located in space which belong to one set (the public space) through connecting them by a common multimedia denominator: image – text – sound, using contemporary visual technologies (projections on the walls of objects). These points in Kalisz city space are: the City Art Gallery in Kalisz, City Theatre and the Small Hydroelectric Power Station.

In order to get the entire message one has to visit each of the 3 listed places. The symbolism of water as a source and the flow of information is confronted with poetic messages which refer to the image of our world in our consciousness.

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Culture Institution of Kalisz